13.00 Uhr
Führung durch das Konzerthaus Berlin
Amalia Aubert recommends two orchestral concerts with Christoph Eschenbach on the podium to all those who enjoy Viennese classical music. The programme on October 21 and 22 features two Haydn symphonies framing Mozart's Piano Concerto K. 488 with soloist Tom Borrow. In the Mozart matinee on Sunday morning, our solo violist will also accompany families with children aged 6 and up through Haydn's "London" Symphony. We wanted to know from her: Do you prefer Mozart or Haydn?
"Everyone loves Mozart because he was so brilliant. You wonder, where does he get those melodies - straight from God?" Haydn I feel closer to, he's more human. He could sing beautifully, became a singing boy and slowly worked his way up in the world. Then, in the Esterhazys' castle, he worked with his orchestra for a long time and was able to see what the musicians did well, what went down well with the audience. He was a team worker and you can feel that, I think. I also like his cheerfulness, this wit that is part of his nature: there is no piece where there is not something different or "cross", where there is no surprise. Nevertheless, he set standards, especially in his string quartets, which I love very much. The nice thing is: in our concert, you don't have to choose between Mozart or Haydn. We play both, and both are great!"
Our principal clarinettist Julius Ockert is particularly looking forward to playing Johannes Brahms' magnificent Clarinet Quintet with four string colleagues in a chamber music concert on October 13: "It is one of the three most beautiful, if not the most beautiful piece of chamber music for clarinet. We don't have many works for string quartet and clarinet: there is Mozart's famous Clarinet Quintet, and the second great one is Brahms'. With him, incredibly beautiful timbres come out, because the instruments mix quite wonderfully. The way Brahms wrote the piece leaves nothing to be desired: There are cantilena passages, folk melodies and dreamlike harmonies. You can really dive in, it's so easy with this music!"
Petr Matěják from the 1st violins is also looking forward to the chamber concert on 13 October 13 because besides Brahms' Clarinet Quintet, there will be the first string quartet "From My Life" by Bedřich Smetana: "I come from the Czech Republic and grew up with his music. The international music festival 'Prague Spring' opens every year with the cycle 'Má Vlast'. In addition to these symphonic poems, of which the 'Moldau' is especially world-famous, and well-known operas, Smetana also composed very beautiful chamber music, which I particularly appreciate. His first string quartet from 1876, which we are playing today, musically tells episodes of his life story and then very impressively reflects the catastrophe that befell him: suddenly the fourth movement breaks off and the violin plays an extremely high e - Smetana was composing the beginning of his hearing disorder. He soon became completely deaf, unfortunately, but he still continued composing until almost his death."
Photos: Tobias Kruse / OSTKREUZ