13.00 Uhr
Führung durch das Konzerthaus Berlin
Pei-Yi Wu studied in Taipei as well as at the Berlin University of the Arts with Ulrich Knörzer and in Detmold with Diemut Poppen. In her native Taiwan she won national competitions and was a scholarship holder at the Yamaha Foundation. As a soloist, she has performed in the Brahmssaal of the Musikverein in Vienna and in a solo recital at the Berlin Musical Instrument Museum.
I like the expression “playing together”. On the one hand, a lot of our work is already defined, like bow strokes or articulation. On the other hand, there is still a lot of freedom to express the music. It’s a process – trying things together, adapting together, finding a way together.
Performing Gustav Mahler’s 3rd Symphony with Iván Fischer was unforgettable. It was my first concert with him. While playing music, it was suddenly crystal-clear to me why I should be there and why I play the viola. Suddenly a lot of things made sense. I felt like a drop of water in the ocean, except that I was no longer a drop, I was part of the entire ocean.
The Konzerthaus, of course :) And if there’s still time before the concert, I often recommend Café Komine in Schöneberg or Princess Cheesecake in Mitte to my guests. But Berlin is so wonderfully diverse. Even though I’ve lived here for a long time, I still discover new and interesting things by simply wandering off without a fixed destination.