I hear something you hear too

By Christine Mellich & Leonie Hentschel July 2, 2024


© Pablo Castagnola

"Ich höre was, was du auch hörst" is the podcast of the Konzerthaus Berlin. What does time sound like? What great piano concertos are there? And when will we finally hear more music by female composers? In exciting episodes for people aged 13 and over, music educators Christine and Leonie aim to inspire with a wide variety of music and sounds. The episodes are between 5 and 10 minutes long and were produced by sound engineer Florian Weber. You can send us your wishes and feedback at podcast@konzerthaus.de

A podcast in German language


Sound of time

Music is time made audible ... how do you spend your time? Where do time and music take you? From hectic to a steady pulse? From heartbeat to infinite slowness and expanse of sound? ... or to crown it all: a work by John Cage that will be performed for 639 years. You don't believe it? Then listen in!

A podcast in German language


The piano concerto

From Bach to Chopin and Grieg to Rachmaninoff, it is worth immersing yourself in the fantastic dialogs between piano and orchestra. At times tender, at times schmaltzy, at times wild and virtuosic - all human emotions and abysses are included. You too?

Podcast in German language


Female composers

More and more music by female composers is finally being performed. In this podcast episode, we zoom in on the work of some of them. From Hildegard von Bingen, Emilie Mayer and Lili Boulanger to Missy Mazzoli and María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir, there is a lot of exciting music to experience!

Podcast in German language


And here you can listen to more episodes of the podcast


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