Current information for your concert visit

Find all information about your visit at Konzerthaus Berlin

BVG Strike

Please note that the BVG strike may cause longer travel times on Wednesday and Thursday!

Reopening Gendarmenmarkt

Nach zweijähriger Bauzeit ist der Gendarmenmarkt am 13. März 2025 offiziell wiedereröffnet worden. Auch die Charlottenstraße ist für Fußgänger*innen und Fahrräder freigegeben.

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass das Konzerthaus Berlin wieder ohne Einschränkungen für unsere Gäste erreichbar ist.

Energy-efficient refurbishment of Konzerthaus Berlin

The Konzerthaus Berlin and the administration building in Charlottenstraße are currently undergoing extensive energy refurbishment to significantly improve energy efficiency. For this purpose, our beautiful concert hall is currently covered by large scaffolding and many tarpaulins.

Access to the ticket offices in the visitor service area is signposted. Please be aware, that the Café Konzerthaus is closed until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

In our Konzerthaus Magazine, you will get interesting insights into how, for example, 34,000 windows can be renovated to make them more energy-efficient while the concert hall is in operation, or what it looks like in our cellar:

Find out more in the Konzerthaus Magazine


For this event, you will not receive tickets through our webshop. You will therefore be redirected to an external page of the organizer. If you have any not completed bookings on, they will be dissolved after 20 minutes.
