13.00 Uhr
Führung durch das Konzerthaus Berlin
Franziska Haußig studied in Berlin at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music and in Würzburg. She was a member of the Hamburg State Opera for one season. She is a member of the current staff council.
It’s wonderful to be able to bring something bigger, in this case music, to life in a beautiful place, together with many very different people and to have my place right in the midst of this soundscape – preferably in a line-up with the double basses fanned out on the top podium, known as the “Fischer line-up”.
I like the way it sounds. You can play melodies, but also the bass. You can get play quite high notes as well as quite low notes. Besides, the sound actually goes well with all the instruments.
I probably would have studied something in the field of economics and then focused on sustainability and maybe culture.
The French horn – it sounds almost as beautiful as the bassoon, but can be louder and higher, and there are many great solos for it.
Mozart again and again (also the operas). Beethoven when I play by myself. Operas by Strauss and Wagner. And of course, Bach.