Evgeny Vapnyarsky

  • born in Ukraine
  • Member of the orchestra 1999

Evgeny Vapnyarsky studied in Rostov-on-Don and Glasgow, as well as in Essen with Pieter Daniel. From 1992 to 1995, he was first violinist of the Fortis String Quartet.


Which concert with the Konzerthausorchester was a special emotional experience for you?

Kurt Sanderling’s farewell concert.

Which other instrument besides your own would you like to master?

Every now and then I take my old trumpet out of the case… I think the best jazz music is written for the trumpet.

Gibt es eine musikalische oder humanistische Persönlichkeit, die Dich tief beeindruckt hat?

For me, it would be Dmitri Shostakovich.


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